第49回NGVキャリアカフェ キャリアとダイバーシティ~パラレルキャリア~「お坊さん・youtuber × お坊さん・建築家・アートディレクター」参加者募集
The 49th NGV Career Cafe - Career and Diversity
~Parallel Career~ 【Monk/Youtuber × Monk/Architect/Art Director】
Recruiting Interested Participants!


NGV(Nada Global Village)では、日本で学ぶ留学生と日本人学生が、将来のキャリア形成、それぞれの文化や研究分野など関心がある課題をテーマに、それぞれの価値観について語り合う機会を定期的に開催しています。


※パラレルキャリア P・Fドラッカーが「明日を支配するもの」で紹介した考えで、「本業を持ちながら、第二のキャリアを築くこと」と定義されている。

日時 2021年10月5日(火)20:00~21:30
言語 日本語・英語
会場 オンライン@Zoom
対象 学生・社会人
対談者 小池 陽人さん(須磨寺副住職・youtuber)
松本 智翔さん(妙泉寺副住職・建築家・TRUSS代表)
ファシリテーター 上田知良氏 (en+)
参加費 無料
申込方法 大学コンソーシアムひょうご神戸HP上の申込みフォームに、必要事項を記入の上お申込み下さい。参加の可否は全員にメールにてご連絡します。
チラシPDF →
お問い合わせ 一般社団法人大学コンソーシアムひょうご神戸 
神戸市中央区脇浜町一丁目2番8号 兵庫国際交流会館1階
電話 078-271-0233(月~金:午前9時~午後5時)
メール gnavi@consortium-hyogo.jp

Nada Global Village(Career Café)is our monthly program in which both international/Japanese students and adults enjoy cultural interaction with one another.

The theme for this event is “Monk × Career”, and we will look into the lives of our two guest speakers about their various talents and experiences with their jobs in correlation to the surrounding regions and people that they serve.

Through the various experiences that our two guest speakers have had in their careers, what and how exactly can we find our own “happiness” through our defined roles? Could it be that we must love our job to enjoy what we do on the daily? Or is it because the drive to keep and preserve the culture in our industry is what leads us to create that “happiness”?

For those who are lost in the ever-long road of career development, fear not! In this event, we will have 90 minutes to discuss various topics and help you find what’s important to you in your career development journey!

※Parallel Career is a term created by the world renowned father of modern business writer Peter Ferdinand Druck (P.F Drucker), which supports the idea of having a 2nd career without throwing away the career you originally had.

During this 90-minute Zoom event, you can take part in a ‘live’ discussion with them too. So come and join us for our Career Cafe!

DateOctober 5 th(Tuesday) 20:00-21:30
Languages English and Japanese
Venues Online @Zoom
Participants University and Graduate students, adults etc.
Speakers Mr. Koike Younin (Suma Temple Vice-Chief Priest・Youtuber)
Mr. Matsumoto Chishou (Myosenji Priest・Architect・TRUSS Delegate)
Facilitator Mr. Kazuyoshi Ueda
Participation Fee Free
Hosted by The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo
For Sign-up Please scan this QR code and fill out an online form.
English Flyer PDF→
For more info The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo
TEL: 078-271-0233
Email: gnavi@consortium-hyogo.jp

Team G-Navi申込フォーム Application Form for Team G-Navi

  All items are required for entry.


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Please write if you have any expectations for this training or what you want to challenge
Please write if you have any activities of The Consortium of Universities
in Hyogo which you would like to participate in.
国際交流/international exchange
語学交流/language exchange
就職活動/job hunting
防災活動/disaster management

※The personal information you provide will be only used to respond to your inquiries or question and to provide information from the Consortium of Universities in Hyogo. Thank you for your understanding.